Choosing Blue Petunias for the Garden

When choosing blue petunias, consider whether you absolutely need a true blue petunia variety or if a blue-purple type will suffice. In the horticulture world, color names and descriptions can be vague; blue is often used to describe plants with blue or purple blooms. Unfortunately, these days with so many easy programs for editing and altering pictures, the blue coloration of many plants available online is often enhanced to look bluer than it really is.

Common Blue Petunia Varieties

Below are some of the best blue petunia varieties and their descriptions so you will know exactly what colors or variations to expect:

Damask Blue– Produces true navy blue blooms with yellow stamens. This compact variety stays low to the ground but is an excellent spiller for containers. Frost Blue– Produces deep blue blooms with white ruffled edges. Fuseables Pleasantly Blue– Produces light blue to lavender colored, ruffled blooms with dark blue veining. Mambo Blue– Produces dark blue-indigo blooms on a compact plant. Bella Picotee Blue– Produces deep blue, indigo to purple blooms with white edges and yellow centers. Surfina Bouquet Denim– Produces blue to violet colored blooms on a compact plant. Capri Blue– Produces large deep blue blooms with dark blue veining. Carpet Blue Lace– Produces light blue to lavender blooms with dark blue mottling and veining. Carpet Blue– Produces solid deep blue to purple blooms. Hurrah Lavender Tie Dye– Produces blooms that start out lavender but turn a sky blue as they mature. Daddy Blue– Large, ruffled, light blue to lavender blooms with dark blue veining. Storm Deep Blue-Produces large navy blue and dark purple mottled blooms. Night Sky– This variety would make Van Gogh proud, producing deep blue to purple blooms with irregular white spots that truly look like stars hanging in a dark night sky. Common Blue Petunia Varieties   Choosing Blue Petunias For The Garden - 62